By Dan Getz, Blogger,
www.Dance4One.blogspot.comIn yesterday’s article entitled “2011…The Year of Blessing” (, I concluded my article with these thoughts, “I challenge you to begin to look at the world differently than you do today…that if you will begin to look at the world around you more intently…more closely… and in spite of your circumstances and what you think you see, you will soon discover yourself to be surrounded by immeasurable GOODNESS and BLESSING…”
Since the inception of Dance4One, I have tenaciously insisted that ALL of US possess GIFTS inside of US, that when realized and tapped into CAN and WILL produce tangible, and often unbelievable results. The Free Enterprise System was founded and based on this very principle…It is about CONNECTING Creativity or what I like to call “Art” with Business…through FAITH. You see…ALL of us possess at least one…and more often than not multiple CREATIVE talents. Think about it…Isn’t the origin of the most innovative business or idea CREATIVITY? And then…to get that idea “off the ground” so to speak, it must be fueled by lots of passion and FAITH, right?
My new friend, Gina Gardio-Graves, Director and Founder of the JV University & Directions University ( and said during a very informative webinar I attended last night (and Tony Robins has quoted) “Winners take imperfect action while losers are still perfecting the plan”. Napoleon Hill stated, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.”
So what am I saying, and have I adequately answered the question, “Do you have what it takes to survive in Today’s Economy?” Only YOU can truly answer that question, but I believe EVERYONE has what it takes…INSIDE of them…to not only survive, but to be VERY successful, and have fun while doing it! The key is MINDSET…A mind set on the Negatives and focused on what the NAYSAYERS say will produce NEGATIVITY. A MIND SET and focused on possibility and optimism WILL produce POSITIVE results. Immobility produces stagnation, and stagnation leads to DEATH. Mobility produces MOVEMENT and ACTION, both KEY components to LIFE.
I have much to say on this subject, but for today I will leave you with these two thoughts. An entrepreneur, Mary Kay Ash says it like this, “The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is extraordinary determination.” I say it like this, “Be Art. Do Business. Have Faith…CONNECTING Art and Business through FAITH.” When we CHOOSE to BELIEVE who we ARE, and what we were CREATED to BE, we WILL achieve EXTRAORDINARY results, regardless of, and in spite of our surroundings or circumstances…and yes, even including a sluggish and recessed economy.
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