by Dan Getz, International Blogger,
Why and How You Should Vote
You have probably heard, or even said, yourself, "Why should I vote if my vote alone, does not really count". I, myself, have not voted for this exact reason, and I DO believe Trump when he says, "The system IS rigged...Believe you me!!!" I, nor anybody I have talked to really...completely understands the electoral system or how it works, nor do they, or I understand who actually casts these electoral votes.
The ONE question we HAVE to ask ourselves, is NOT who do we want to be the next President of the United States of America, but who, best represents, and stands up for our core beliefs and values AND which presidential candidate will base their appointment of the next, possibly 3 Supreme Court Justice's.
Furthermore, these 3 justices MUST be considered based on their views and opinions of the FIRST AMENDMENT (Freedom of Speech), SECOND AMENDMENT (RIGHT to BEAR ARMS), and when life begins (at conception, or sometimes as much as 9 months down the road when considering partial birth abortions), which DOES happen, no matter which side of the fence you may find yourself on.
So get out and cast your ballot for the ONE who you believe best REPRESENTS YOU. Early voting is available and began this past Monday. The regular election date is November 8th. I AM voting this year either today or Friday, and either in Irving or Dallas, TX. Make YOUR voice heard, because if enough of us UNITE, we CAN make a difference, and make America even GREATER, again!