The below information contains information on MULTIPLE EVENTS (FOUR) over the next THREE MONTHS...
Meeting at Cafe Brazil at 75 and Campbell in Richardson, TX from 5 to 6:15 and then caravanning to CFNI for start time of 7:30
Night of Worship
Every second Friday of each month, Christ For The Nations Institute opens its doors to the public for our Night Of Worship. People come from the Dallas area, as well as from out of state to experience the worship of CFNI. We invite you to come to this free event!
SECOND...FUND RAISER for 19 year old Makayla
Honor Academy: Encounter God. Solidify your future.
Change your world.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come to and pray to Me, and I will hear you. You will see Me and find Me. When you seek Me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile." Jeremiah 29: 11-14 (ESV)
At Teen Mania Ministries, our mission statement says that our heartbeat is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life giving message to the ends of the earth. And it does just that through Acquire the Fire Events, global mission trips, and an internship that equips young people to go out on their own to be a light to the world. Fortunately, the Lord has blessed me with being a part of this vision as an intern at the Honor Academy. As an intern, I take classes four days a week that help me grow in leadership, character, good habits, and being a godly woman. I also have a Ministry Placement that I work 31 hours a week as an Acquire the Fire caller. I reach and fight millions of lives for God and His glory. Even by just one phone call; they can either build up or tear down. Through classes and lessons that we take, we are taught to not just perfect our talents, but to live a life that will advance the Kingdom of God and proclaim His name.
Through the next year at the Honor Academy I will continue to be equipped with skills and knowledge that I will use for the rest of my life. However, this comes with a cost, and I cannot accomplish this on my own. By sponsoring me, you’re not just helping me to go to school, but you’re taking part in advancing the Kingdom of God. You’re allowing me to continue my calling at the Honor Academy, where I talk to youth pastors all over the nation, to hear our ministry team that goes out to the nation and share Christ with tens of thousands of youth. Who in turn go on mission trips with Teen Mania and share the gospel all across the world. Your donations are not only going towards aiding my walk with the Lord, but also thousands of others. Very similar to supporting a missionary as we are called to be.
How to Donate
(checks made out to Honor Academy)
Send to:
Makayla Phelps
PO Box 2010 CPO #400
Garden Valley, TX 75771
Credit Card
Go to www.teenmania.com/donate
Choose US Donor
Then enter my name and ID#: Makayla Phelps
It is 501C3. Tax Deductible.
THIRD...Hannah NEEDS $3,000 CASH...Buy Her Car NOW...
My Car is For Sale!
2003 TOYOTA MATRIX. 174,000 miles (expected to get another 80k) $3,000 (BE AWARE: I cant sell it until the first of July) Message me if you're interested!
By: Hannah Getz
FOURTH...Dance4One Blog News..
I encourage each of you, no matter what your faith or background is to check out my DAILY BLOG which covers Economics, Politics, Religion and MORE at http://www.dance4one.blogspot.com/ and is NOW READ in 22 NATIONS and accessed by 10 different browsers and 10 different operating systems.
Some of my recent articles can be found at:
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