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Thank you for visiting Dance4One. My DAILY BLOG covering Economics, Politics, Religion and Every Day Life was "born" on May 2, 2011 and NOW boasts a READERSHIP consisting of individuals and businesses in 124+ NATIONS...

DanceOne's "heart and soul" or VISION is best communicated in this statement: Be Art. Do Business. Have Faith...CONNECTING Art and Business THROUGH Faith.

A more detailed expression of this statement can be found in MY "About Me" section (SEE on RIGHT side of THIS PAGE) AND by FINDING me in ONE or ANY of the following manners...,
YouTube 12131966dan, FACEBOOK (Dan Getz, Dance4One and Christian T Shirts Plus by Dance4One), Twitter @Dance4One,
and LinkedIn (Dan Getz).

Thank you again for your interest in Dance4One...For ALL your Promotion, Advertising, Business & Personal Financial & Operational Analysis, Photo & Video Creation, Editing and Production, Documentary, Reporting, Artistic, Creative, Consulting, Dance Instruction, Cultural Events and Sponsorships, Corporate Endorsements & Product Sponsorships/Co-Marketing Campaigns NEEDS, email and Visit DANCE4ONE at, YouTube Channel 12131966dan, LinkedIn (Dan Getz), FACEBOOK (Dan Getz, Dance4One Group & Page, & Christian T Shirits Plus by Dance4One Page, and Twitter @Dance4One.


...Again a BIG THANK YOU to ALL of YOU who have contributed to the success of Dance4One, aka Dan Getz, aka "DANgerous" et al by simply VISITING this site...

Thursday, December 16, 2010 INTRODUCTION

This website name has gained a lot of attention, questions, controversy, misunderstandings and curiosity in recent months, and most likely always will.

So what does the name mean to me, and how did all of this get started?  To fully answer this question, you really need to look at each of the separate tabs and company bios…

But, in a “nutshell”, I dance to the beat of a different Drummer…One Drummer, whose name is Jesus…I do Dance…I love to Dance…I Dance in Church…I Dance in Night Clubs…and I have learned to “Dance” in my Work…”Dance” in my Play…and “Dance” in my devotion to, and love for Jesus…

So often, WE, even as devout men and women of faith, compartmentalize our lives SO much…we are SO busy and so focused on our work or our play, we often find little, if anything left for the One we have faith in…the One that SHOULD be intimately involved in EVERYTHING we do…

So a while back, I coined the phrase, “I DANCE FOR ONE”…in EVERYTHING I do…in, through and for ALL my companies…ALL my work…ALL my play…and in, through and for ALL of my devotion to the ONE I Dance for…the One I love…the One I have, am, and will continue to give my ALL to in EVERYTHING I do…

This website’s purpose is to bring the focus back to the ONE I serve…the ONE I dance for…and is NOT about me…if this website were for, or about me, it would be called Dance4Me…but that is NOT what I am about…

Therefore, while Dance4One may not seem to have a logical connection to companies like Ambit Energy…or MG Consulting…or the other 30 and counting .coms I have in the works…or my books, movies or blogs, it most assuredly DOES…because EVERYTHING in MY life MUST revolve around the ONE I love…the ONE I Dance for…the ONE I live for and have, am, and will continue to lay down my Life for…Jesus Christ…the ONE who SAVED me from the depths of darkness and despair when He gave His life unselfishly for ME, and I accepted His free gift of salvation by simply realizing I needed help…I needed to be rescued…and I cried out, “Lord Save Me!”…and He did…and will be eternally I Dance For One…this side of eternity…and beyond…which is remarkably close and fittingly appropriate to what my favorite Toy Story hero, Buzz Lightyear is notably famous for passionately DECLARING…”TO INFINITY AND BEYOND”…

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