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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It is YOUR Time, ACT before the END of the AGE of America...

I wrote this FIRST THING this MORNING with NO access to the internet...and BEFORE saw Market Watch's article entitled "IMF Bombshell: Age of America Nears End" where it states that the International Monetary fund has "set a date" when the "Age of America" will end, and be surpassed by China. That date is 2016...

Art.  Creativity.  Inspiration.  Ingenuity.  Courage.  Risk.  Enlightenment.  Unwavering Faith.  Honesty.  Integrity.  Respect.  Honor.  Surplus.  Truth.  Melting Pot.  Liberty.  Freedom…These are the words that come to mind when I, and MANY Americans recall an era of 50, 40, 30, 20…and even as little as ten years ago…So what has happened in the last decade or two to so desensitize our senses…our creativity…our ability to even think reasonably and consider possibilities outside our realm of routine, normality and sometimes even our own experience?

Although there could be many cultural, historical, political, religious, and various other influences and causes to explain this phenomenon, I believe the answer can be summed up in just ONE word…FEAR…Fear breeds Paralysis.  Paralysis is Immobility.  Immobility lacks Discipline and Exercise.  A mind and body that lacks Discipline and Exercise become Dull, Lifeless and Close-Minded.  Dull, Lifeless and Close-Minded people become Prideful, Stubborn, Disrespectful and Ungrateful for what they have.  Prideful, Stubborn, Disrespectful and Ungrateful people generally don’t get along with one another which causes Instability, Lay-offs, Company Shutdowns, Greed, Jealousy, Murder, Suicide, Wars, Economic Crisis, Illness, Death…and More…which leads me to the ONE word I began with…FEAR.

Every human is made up of THREE components…The spirit…the soul and the body.  When the human spirit and soul are broken or badly wounded, the body (which includes the mind) often goes into “auto-pilot” and simply does what it has ALWAYS done.  Survive.  But this “survival” is all too often a Living Death…

Wake up America.  While you have become a dull, listless, careless, fearful, sleeping giant, the world around you is astir.  There is LIFE beyond the realm of your own minds and experience…beyond the borders of your Great Land.  Art, Creativity, Inspiration,   Ingenuity, Courage, Calculated Risk, Enlightenment, Unwavering Faith, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Honor, Surplus, Truth, Legal Immigration, Liberty, Freedom and Endless Possibility ABOUND for ANYONE or ANY PLACE that is willing to become LESS, so that they will ultimately become MORE…Less Selfishness. More Selflessness.  Less Greed. More Generosity.  Less FaithLESSness.  More FaithFULness.

The body mimics, alludes to, and reflects the true state of the spirit and soul.  A mug of hot coffee on a cold winter day, or a glass of iced tea served in the heat of a hot summer day both “whisper” or “tell” the nature of the contents inside even when the actual liquid inside may not be visible…a wisp of steam, a hot or cold sensation when the outside of the glass or mug is felt, touched or grasped, or beads of condensation can all “communicate” the “hotness” or “coldness” of what is inside.

So I challenge you America…and NOT just America, but North America…South America…Europe…Africa…Asia…Australia…and Antarctica…The SEVEN CONTINENTS of OUR GREAT PLANET…aka “Earth” to CHOOSE the HOTNESS…or COLDNESS you allow YOURSELF and THOSE AROUND YOU to see.  Choose to focus on what YOU have, and not what you lack.  Choose to be content and throw away discontent.  Choose to thank and abandon complaining.  Choose to create and not destroy.  Choose discipline and exercise and curtail mindless pursuits and laziness.  What is inside of YOU cannot be taken away by ANYONE but YOU.  There is NOTHING new under the sun.  These principles and truths are the very fabric of and foundation of OUR GREAT NATION and many parts of the WORLD…We ALL have been given a “toolbox” and a “set of tools”.  It is TIME for US to open the TOOLBOXES of our spirits and souls and PUSH our bodies into FORWARD MOTION…Set aside FEAR and embrace COURAGE and FAITH.  When WE do, Prosperity, Peace, Success, Stability, Ingenuity, Creativity, and ABUNDANCE can be OURS once again…

Written By: Dan Getz, Owner and Operator of Dance4One, April 26, 2011

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